What a great race. I’ll spare you the drama since there wasn’t any AT ALL. This was simply 31 miles of fun.
At 5am I met Katie DiSplinter with dounuts in hand at Peet’s in Brentwood to carpool. We got there in record time after a windy trip in her jeep. Making it to the start I saw nothing but familiar faces. Jimmy, Dom, Kate, Eric, Erin, Bev.... The whole Coyote Running crew was there in full effect. It’s so cool to have a new crew to roll with. It makes any run, race, whatever that much more entertaining.
At 6:30 we hit the dirt road and were off. A quick, casual, and somewhat humid start. The course goes from the dirt road to a single track trail where you twist and turn around a 15.5ish mile loop in the Malibu canyons. Scenic to say the least.
After a few miles of boring road, we hit the single track and began a patient ascent. Remember – THIS IS A TRAINING RUN – not a race. With Mt. Disappointment only two weeks prior, and 100s of training miles under my belt from the summer, I knew keeping my jets cool and playing it safe was the way to go. But what the hell, THIS IS A RACE and if I feel good, I’m going to keep going. The single tracks winds around and eventually you make it to the top were you encounter a very weird looking rock formation overflowing with eager trail runners like and ant hill. A fast decent and I’m close to finishing my first loop. Hey, that was easy. I feel, well fine. Really good actually. Time to keep it up for the next loop...
The next loop started again with the ascent... But, what’s that I feel? Rain? No. No, rain? A drizzle here and there is the product of the dark sky coming above. This never happens. But it is today. I take advantage of the cooler temps and cook. Up the hill and back down! I look at my watch. Hmmm. First lap in 2:30ish, 2:40? Second lap should take me closer to 3 hours. Well, it did. A NEW PR 5:25!!! Sweet.
Just want to admit how humbly appreciative to God that I’m able to run. To have the support of my family and friends. Another great adventure.
Next on the calendar – Javelina Jundred in Fountain Hills, AZ on October 31st! My first 100-miler!!! Note: Some of you know that I originally was signed up for Angeles Crest 100, but the race was cancelled due to the Station Fire in the Angeles forest.
Also, I’m fundraising for this race. BE A CHAMPION and check out firstgiving.com/peterwilliams to learn more. Much love!!

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